What to do in Awkward Interview Moments
An interview is a very important event for an aspiring professional who hopes to secure a steady career. It is a deciding moment for the job seeker as he/she tries to impress the panel of interviewers to clinch the position. However, despite the tremendous efforts put into the preparations for a successful interview, the session can turn awkward especially if it is a one-on-one interview when both parties are at a loss for words or experience some deadlock in discussion.
So, You Hate Your Job. Should You Consider a Career Change?
There are times when you feel like changing the career that you once loved, and that is okay. Consider all your options and do what will make you fulfilled and productive. Change is constant in today’s work field. You may find yourself in the midst of hating the day in and day out job that you once adored. Many factors can attribute to the change in a career. You must recognize the time to make a career change before it is too late. You always want to be one step ahead of the upper hand. Change careers before the career changes you. (more…)
Today’s Major Tips for Job Interviews
Completing your education is the first way to open the door into a job interview. Start by sending applications to the companies that deal in the services in which you have studied. Once you have sent your best prepared resume to several companies, then next step is to get called for a first interview. Getting that first interview can be very exciting. First impressions make a lasting impression on your future employer. The way you present yourself for the interview will set the tone for the following interviews. It is through the interview that you will be able to get a feel for the type of environment within the organization. Remember, the interview is your chance to show what you bring to the table. Here are some of important job interview considerations that will help you prepare for your first interview.
How Resume Templates Can Increase Your Chances for a Job Interview
Writing your resume following a specific template helps you a lot in creating an effective resume and greatly increases your chances of being selected. Resume templates can make a huge difference when searching for jobs; an easy to read and eye-catching resume can not only make the reader more interested, but also highlight your important skills which increases your chance of getting a job interview (and hopefully the job too). It is important to customize your resume so it effectively presents your candidacy for employment. Don’t be afraid of changing the format and fonts, because the template is just a starting point for creating your own resume. Before you start work on your resume, review free resume samples that fit a variety of employment situations. These resume examples and templates provide job seekers with recommended formats that will work for almost every career. Simply choose the one that best fits your personality and career goals. (more…)
Bad answers to difficult job interview questions
An interview is all about how effectively you are able to handle the pressure and come out with flying colors. No matter how long the interview session might be, you should never lose your composure and start making mistakes such as giving bad answers to the questions asked by the interviewer. This will show that you are incapable of handling pressure and you can be easily made to lose your calm. Always think twice before you answer any question in an interview because some of the questions might be a double edged sword. So go through the answers in your mind for a second or two before your mouth starts spitting things out you will soon regret. Let us look at some of the bad answers that candidates tend to give when attending an interview so that you can make yourself familiar with the correct way of answering them.
Career Planning: What Should Be in Your Plan for Success
A common saying goes like this; “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” This is very true in career planning where working consumers need to be alert to the changing work trends to grab the opportunities for career advancement. A good career plan should be available to guide the working consumer to greater heights of glory in the marketplace whether it is a formulated career plan in your head or on paper.
A career plan may not necessarily have a particular format or style but relevant or crucial components need to be included for a greater career success. There are an extensive amount of career plan templates on the Internet for consumers to work out their own.
4 Easy Tips to Successfully Land an Interview within your Career Field
Understanding the company and what they do can be one of the most important aspects of an interview. Knowing what the company does, how they operate, and what their mission is can make the interviewing process a success. Why? Because you can incorporate their corporate values and structure into answers when the interviewer asks, “why should we hire you?”. And yes, you should have answers ready for the dreaded HR interview questions. (more…)
4 Common Mistakes Found in Entry Level Resumes
Updated: July 11, 2016
Recent college or high school graduates frequently make mistakes on their resumes that could be potentially prohibit their chances of receiving an interview. Eliminate these common mistakes found in entry level resumes to drastically increase your chances of landing the interview. (more…)
Should Web Developers Have A Creative Resume?
In today’s world, responsive and modern web designs are crucial. In order to fulfill this need, Web Developers must possess the technical skills necessary to bring these designs to life. You may find yourself asking: why should a Web Developer, someone who spends most of their time head first into lines of code, have a creative resume? The first thing you must assess is what type of Web Developer you are: Front End or Backend.